How can you know what has been Except it be born again
And why cannot you just say This is part of the human race An unperfected species it seems With much changes in the genes Occurring over again and again Until it reaches a limit
Nature has limits in its plan
and this extends to plants, beast and man How do we know where one stopped and the other began?
Our problem is we're too damn smart The infants in the world
Stomping our feet, getting in the way
and never without a word to say regardless of how little we know
One wants to say, sit down!
Shut up!
You 're always speaking from your gut
Never even realizing you have a brain
What we need is a self made tape Of all we think and do
But then everyone could know What we do is never a true
Indication of who we are or what we think But someone else's thought wrapped in our mind
Or an effort to cover or behinds For stupidity
An entity comes to the earth And we give it a name Only to explain to it
You should not be here you are a shame
To those of us who are brain-dead And never learned to think
We pay good money to experts and specialist who read and think for us
while we look at the tube
To be excited by boobs and violence, greed and hate
While spending the rest of our time Seeking a date
So we can be energized To go back to work and make a buck
investing it all on frivolous things That have no meaning
Who are we someone will ask
The day some of us are reborn into a sane world
Where a different human exists
I wonder what its color will be For that is the key
To the world we now live in. Perhaps we should talk to the X-ray machine
Or take a sample of blood Then that would destroy our need
For the ghetto and the hood We could not debate about who is best
And the one who are the chosen few There would only be me and you.
And we'd have to recognize What we are,
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