Pearls of Prosperity

The Sky Is Falling

America, the sky is F-A-L-L-I-N-G The stars are falling one by one As if to match the brilliance of the Sun Or to fire its energy The end of an era, everyone says but somehow it runs back to days of ole When the gods came down to dwell within men and created the situation man calls sin Sin is nothing but a fallen star And we all plead Let it not be that one so high and burning so brightly could fall from the sky We stand in awe - we're so afraid We don't know what to do or say So with our eyes we behold A scene that unfolds  and leaves us mystified Teary eyed and in awe Why before the whole side world Fiction becomes real And once again the players are stars Stars, Stars, you shone so bright   And even you wonder why God would take you to heights only to let you fall in one short gasp Why, oh why everyone asks? No, we refuse to believe that when all has been gained It is all for naught Without a credible solution, explanation to even such a smart Nation, as America   The heavens declare the glory of god  the earth his handiwork shows So that we begin to understand "as above, so below"

We are each his handiwork

Stars of every sort Playing out a drama to be observed From finish to the start god's work was completed eons ago It's like a video The action took place long before It reached your eyes but video means nothing to us It just shows man is smart So God sends a shooting star To pierce your heart and mind So we can get the message That the symbols he has placed before us have been distorted and ignored, And we become more blinded The dust of earth has blinded our eyes So that we cannot see anything but black and white But hallelujah the day has come  when black and white did not distort the facts in America A star is fallen, that's big news Because it does affect me and you And everyone is sad, black and white together We all are stars or star dust   Whatever else is there to come from a planet. The bigger the star, the harder they fall And that is why we stand in awe Because O.J. is us. O.J. you need have no fear wipe your teary eyes For many stars are falling and there is a meteorite That spares on one. You are a sacrificial lamb But then so are we and we keep falling day to day As we search for a way To heal our fallen state  And all the violence does alone. There is another coming boom and it will be very soon That the stars will stop falling or there will be no more heaven or sky Behold, a new heaven and earth gives birth to a creature That no longer falls Because we 're all tired of Gravity.

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