Welfare, welfare It's all I hearand just what does welfare timely mean?It is to help to make life better or so it would seem.I see the animals make their nest the dung beetle uses his noseto shovel two or three stories deep never even stopping to sleep before his mission is complete. The dung beetle and all species seem to know their placeand chiefly that of the female is perpetuation of the race.Damned if I am not total y confused for what else is there to doexcept provide a body for the human race to evolve and take its placeas gods.Now don't you go and be no fool Thinking there's only one God, for he whose model you tracein your attempt at salvation free told you he was as you and me and that "ye all are gods".A god is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent kinda like the lightThat lighteth every man that happens to grace your sightOtherwise, how could you see matter? You refuse to believe that we are light Because that destroys the black and white about which you constantly bicker.A god is wise enough to know He's part of all that isand just knowing this makes him powerful.So being a god is no big deal Just a few turns of the wheel of lifethat deals to each of us bitter strife until we know who we are.The animals all are gods or striving to be sothat is why they make an appearance and fulfill their task with all endurance that someone might be born again.For this they gladly toiltill their bodies return to the soil but their offspring live on and on and through them they again returnThe dung bettle lays its egg within a ball of foodso carefully prepared and stored to last for months and months until the offspring enters earth and can fend for itself.Now you be the first to tell and explain What is this earthly hell called welfare?Here is a beetlethat feeds on elephant shit and yet has more intelligencethan two persons who call themselves human.There is enough money to curl the hairbuy clothes and expensive perfumeto attract the male who too often treats you like shit.We can't wait to "fuck" and "screw" then ask what are we gonna do,that low down son of a bitchleft me after he turned the trick to "fuck" and "screw" another.And I'm with child.You're with child and what do you havenot even the shit of a dung beetle. But then there's always welfare Shit of another kind.
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