Children, children cease from strife. It is I through whom God gave you life.Nothing is done except for you.I've created and created After listening to you.Come with me and listen to the wind Hear the black child, hand in chin. Why did you make me black,My hair so tight and curly? Tell me, was it really because You made me so early in Creation?Let's take a ride on the cloud Toward the beached and sand, See the white child, bottle in hand Hating being white, seeking a tan.Mother is weary Crying makes rivers deep.Agitation results in loss of sleep Loss of sleep, human mind dies. Body can't be too far behind.Children, will mulatto do? Or will they be just like you?Sighing, weeping, "Who am I?I'm marked until I “die."Foolishness, Foolishness, look and see My creation is diverse, beautiful as can be.Children, children, the hour is late Break the mirrors, stop the hate Use your eyes to look within.Get past the face and you'll find joy That's the Big Ace.I get no credit for having a mind College I never did attend making theories was not my gameI was too busy looking within Each of my creation.You men are smart Perhaps flowers are dumb and even all the treesEach taking the color that I gave Never using it as a reason to misbehave Funny there are only twoOf my creations who have misconstrued color for what they areEach part of a beautiful star. They simply cannot shine Both must sit and whine Night and DayDay and NightPerhaps both can get out of sight.Don't continue passing hate Despise nothing that I create I've given you eyes to see Two big ears to hear.Look, Listen and Observe Close your mouthNot my mindMind is what you left behind.
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